Brother’s Lemonade (LDWC 2019) Story

“At Lemonade Day we sold cookies, donuts, assorted chips, water, fruit snacks and lemonade. Our business location was 301 W Michigan Ave across from the Ypsilanti Library. The recipe we used was fresh squeezed lemons a syrup we made from scratch by dissolving sugar and water on the stove. We then mixed the lemon juice, syrup and water together to create our Lemonade. Our slogan was “We quench your thirst with a Lemonade burst“. For advertising we created flyers, walked to the surrounding businesses asking to hang out flyers in their windows and our mom helped us advertise through social media.

The things we thought we did well was gave good customer service and made the perfect lemonade. Next time we think we would advertise more and find a location with a little shaded area. Now that we are entrepreneur’s we are participating in a couple of vendor events with our mom July 13th and August 24th. My mom is registering our business and getting us a permit.”

JaQub and Jaden, Brother’s Lemonade